• Lecture & Event
  • Seminar of Advanced Architecture : Lecturer Dr. Tomoyo HOKIBARA (TAKENAKA Corporation)

Seminar of Advanced Architecture : Lecturer Dr. Tomoyo HOKIBARA (TAKENAKA Corporation)

We will invite Dr. Tomoyo HOKIBARA who works for TAKENAKA Corporation as an engineer of safety and disaster prevention, and now as a designer.
This lecture is for graduate students as well as undergraduate. It will be given in English.
We will welcome people who come from out of university. It will be free.

Lecturer: Dr. Tomoyo HOKIBARA (TAKENAKA Corporation)
Topic:Approch to Disaster prevention
Date and Time:13th January, 2021 10:40~12:10
ZOOM webinar:https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3HgoMw6-QnmFN9yeI0P_DA
        (Registration is needed)