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  • Le Corbusier: A Dialogue with Ronchamp Hill – What Takamasa Yosizaka Learnt from the Living Breaths of a Master –

Le Corbusier: A Dialogue with Ronchamp Hill – What Takamasa Yosizaka Learnt from the Living Breaths of a Master –

The architect Le Corbusier, the master of modernism, developed the plans for a masterpiece, the Chapelle Notre Dame du Haut and its associated structures, in the late years of his life. The Waseda University Research & Measurement Survey Group on Le Corbusier has been continuing to conduct measurement surveys of the Chapelle Notre Dame du Haut and its associated structures since 2013. Waseda University research teams conducted the first measurement surveys of the Maison des Pèlerins and the Maison du Gardien since the buildings were completed, and last year, the university formed a research group to carry out measurement surveys of the main chapel building.This exhibition will present the drawings produced from these surveys together with precious cyanotypes actually used by Le Corbusier on site that have been preserved at the Chapelle Notre Dame du Haut. These items should offer one with a feel of the architect’s living breaths from the time of the project’s construction and of his dialogue with Ronchamp Hill. Jean-Franςois Mathey, an expert on matters about the site, will be invited from Ronchamp to take part in a symposium during the exhibition period.
Takamasa Yosizaka, who had been studying at Le Corbusier’s atelier around the time of the Chapelle Notre Dame du Haut project, taught at Waseda University’s architecture department after returning to Japan and went on to nurture many architects. Drawings that Yosizaka drafted at Le Corbusier’s atelier during his time in France will also be featured in this exhibition. They should provide clues for us to understand what Yosizaka had learned at the time when the Chapelle Notre Dame du Haut project was beginning to take shape.

会期:2016 年 6 月29日(水)〜8月7日(日)
   〒169-8050 東京都新宿区西早稲田1-6-1 早稲田キャンパス2号館

企画:早稲田大学「ル・コルビュジエ ロンシャンの丘との対話」展実行委員会
後援:Foundation Le Corbusier、ASSOCIATION ŒUVRE NOTRE-DAME DU HAUT、在日スイス大使館、

シンポジウムⅠ 「ロンシャンの丘の実測調査 + ル・コルビュジエと吉阪隆正」
   東京都新宿区西早稲田1-6-1 27号館 地下2階
パネリスト: 白石哲雄 早稲田大学理工学研究所招聘研究員、ル・コルビュジエ研究家
       塚原史  早稲田大学會津八一記念博物館館長、早稲田大学法学学術院教授
       古谷誠章 早稲田大学ル・コルビュジエ実測調査研究会代表、
       後藤春彦 早稲田大学理工学術院教授
モデレーター :藤井由理 早稲田大学理工学術院准教授、建築家

シンポジウムⅡ 「ロンシャンの丘との対話」
日時:2016年7月16日(土) 14:30-17:30
会場:早稲田大学 大隈記念講堂 小講堂
基調講演:ジャン-フランソワ・マテ ノートル・ダム・デュ・オーの慈善事業協会 副プレジデント
パネリスト:白石哲雄 同上
      塚原史  同上
      松隈洋  京都工芸繊維大学教授、建築史家
      鈴木恂  早稲田大学名誉教授、建築家
モデレーター : 古谷誠章 同上