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  • 早稲田大学建築学科 2020年度大隈講堂公開審査・講評会開催のお知らせ

早稲田大学建築学科 2020年度大隈講堂公開審査・講評会開催のお知らせ

※English follows Japanese


日時:2021年2月27日(土) 10:00~18:00
会場:早稲田大学 大隈講堂(同時にオンラインにてライブ配信)


09:30〜    開場
10:00〜10:05 開会挨拶
10:05〜12:10 修士論文発表+講評
12:10〜13:00 休憩
13:00〜14:30 卒業計画発表+講評
14:40〜16:50 修士計画発表+講評
17:00〜17:30 卒計・修計・修論 横断ディスカッション
17:30     総評
18:00     閉会


The Public Review Conference about Graduation Design project, Master’s thesis and Design by Master will be held on February 27, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM at Okuma Auditorium by Department of Architecture, Waseda University.

The Review Conference will also be broadcast live through Zoom below on that day.

Because of the coronavirus (COVID-19), only the full-time faculty member, assistant professors, research associates and a part of students from Department of Architecture, Waseda University are allowed to take part in it at the Okuma Auditorium on-site.
And the on-site audience students are limited to 50 people by the order of arrival. We would appreciate your kind understanding on the arrangement.

Apart from the live broadcast, we will also make a recording video and make it public after that.

09:30〜    Admission to Okuma Auditorium
10:00〜10:05 Prologue by Head of Department, Prof. KOSHIISHI
10:05〜12:10 Master’s thesis+Comment
12:10〜13:00 Interval
13:00〜14:30 Graduation Design project+Comment
14:40〜16:50 Design by Master+Comment
17:00〜17:30 Cross Discussion
17:30     General Comment
18:00     Close